An accidental blog

"If God is sovereign, then his lordship must extend over all of life, and it cannot be restricted to the walls of the church or within the Christian orbit." Abraham Kuyper Common Grace 1.1.

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Herman Bavinck’s review of Kuyper’s The Work of the Holy Spirit from Da Bazuin

Herman Bavinck’s review of Kuyper’s The Work of the Holy Spirit

In a series of pieces in the De Bazuin [The Trumpet],* Herman Bavinck provided brief reviews of the three volumes of Kuyper’s Het Werk van den Heiligen Geest. These are provisional, quick and dirty translations.

Herman Bavinck “Review of Het Werk van den Heiligen Geest, by A. Kuyper (deel I)”, De Bazuin 36 (25) (1888):

Het werk van den Heiligen Geest. [The Work of the Holy Spirit ] By Dr. A. Kuyper. 
Eerste deel. 
Amsterdam, Wormser.

In this work, which will be complete in three volumes and then cost 17.50, we are offered a reprint of the extensive series of articles that Dr. Kuyper wrote in De Heraut about the work of the Holy Spirit, along with two pieces that appeared in the De Heraut under their own titles (Sanctification and Love) but are now included as a third part under the work of the H. G. [?] will be included.

The author now precedes the entire work with a preface of 30 pages. Therein, we receive a complete list of Owen's works; a list of works written earlier and later on the Holy Spirit; and a repeated refutation of Dr. [Eduard] Böhl [1836-1903)]. 

We now announce this new work by Dr. Kuyper with only a few words. Perhaps we will return to the content later; there is certainly enough in it that deserves discussion and about which the Reformed theologians have not unanimously agreed.

May this writing contribute to a better understanding and appreciation of the work of the Holy Spirit! 

H. B.

Herman Bavinck “Review of Het Werk van den Heiligen Geest, by A. Kuyper (deel II)”, De Bazuin 37 (8) (1889):

The work of the Holy Spirit in the individual. 
The first part of this book deals with the work of the Holy Spirit for the church as a whole; the recently published second part discusses the work of the Holy Spirit in the individual.

It successively discussed the work in humanity before the fall, in the sinner at regeneration, calling and conversion, justification and faith. Recommendation of these studies, already known from De Heraut, is unnecessary; announcement of a work by the esteemed author's hand is sufficient. It is not necessary to agree with Dr. Kuyper on everything, for example, on regeneration, calling, justification, etc., to also claim the name of Reformed. The path that Dr. K. has taken and continues with so much talent is not the only one that runs through Reformed Theology. However, even with differences of opinion, there is much to learn from this work. Therefore, we wish it to be in many hands. Mr. Wormser has ensured a neat publication.


Herman Bavinck “Review of Het Werk van den Heiligen Geest, by A. Kuyper (deel III)", De Bazuin 38 (2) (1890):

[The Work of the Holy Spirit, by Dr. A. Kuyper. Part III, in the individual.] 
Amsterdam, J. A. Wormser. 

This, the third and final part of Dr. Kuyper's study on the work of the Holy Spirit, has long awaited an announcement in the Bazuin. Fortunately, this important work, unlike many brochures, does not lose its value with each passing day but retains its significance for years to come. With this part, the study of the prolific writer on the work of the Holy Spirit is completed. Specifically, in this final part, Sanctification, Love, and Prayer are successively discussed. Of these three pieces, we consider the first to be the most important. In it, Sanctification is once again clearly explained, in accordance with the teaching of Scripture and the Reformed confession, and defended against various errors that have crept into this part of the truth. But the other two essays, on love and prayer, are also instructive and edifying. We do not need to provide a detailed account of the content, as readers will likely remember it from De Heraut. The convenient format and clear printing in which these articles are now presented, in conjunction with their intrinsic value, will undoubtedly prompt many to decide to acquire this work. The work as a whole is an enrichment of our theological literature. The subject, too often overlooked and neglected in earlier times, tugs at the hearts of every Reformed believer. The thorough treatment and clear presentation make it a book rich in learning and comfort for both the simple and the learned. And an index, both of topics and persons, as well as Bible verses, facilitates its use. May this work of the learned author therefore find wide circulation and thus contribute to ever greater appreciation of the work of the Holy Spirit!

* Da Bazuin was subtitled: Voices from the Christian Reformed Church in the Netherlands. (For the benefit of the Theological School in Kampen.)


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