An accidental blog

"If God is sovereign, then his lordship must extend over all of life, and it cannot be restricted to the walls of the church or within the Christian orbit." Abraham Kuyper Common Grace 1.1.

Kuyper chronology

Born October 29 in Maassluis, Holland to Henriette Huber (1802-1881) and Jan Fredrik Kuyper (1801-1881)

Moves with family to Middelburg in the province of Zeeland, where father is a minister

Studied at the 'gymnasium' in Leiden, where father moved to be a minister

Enrolled at Leiden University to study Literature

Worked on a Calvin and a Lasco treatise which becomes part of his doctorat

The 'miracle of the Lascania'

Enrolled in theology at Leiden to train for the pastoral church ministry

Commentatio description of
Calvin's and a Lasco's concepts of the church
Niet de Vrijheidsboom maar het kruis[Not the liberty tree but the cross

Suffers nervous breakdown from exhaustion

Reads the Heir of Redclyffe by Charlotte M. Yonge

Admitted to the candidacy for the State Church

Received DTh degree from University of Leiden. Supervised by Dr Scholten

Marries Johanna Hendrika Schaay

Takes up role as minister in DRC in Beesd - his inaugural sermon was on 1 Jn 1:7

Meets Pietronella Baltus (1830-1914) one of the Reformed 'pious malcontents' at Beesd

Begins corresponding with Guillame Groen van Prinsterer (1810-1876)

Article 23 - Kuper's response is published
Published the works of à Lasco in Latin - with a 121 page introduction
Moves to Utrecht to become pastor at the Domek

Active in Church government reform

 Wat moeten wij doen: het stemrecht aan ons zelven houden of den kerkeraad machtigen? [What must we do? - addresses the question of democracy in the church]


Writes brochure on Church Visiting: Kerkvisitatie te Utrecht in 1868
[Explanation of the statement made by the general stock consistory of Utrecht and this classical board of Utrecht the 21 September]
Meets Van Prinsterer become friends and co-workers

Starts writing articles for De Heraut
Het beroep op het volksgewetern - speech to Christelijk Nationaal-Schoolonderwijs at Utrecht
De kerkelijke goederen [The church property]
De werking van artikel 23 [The effect of Article 23]
Eenvormigheid, de vloek van het moderne leven ["Uniformity: the curse of modern life" [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 19ff]
Vrijmaking der kerk [Liberalisation of the church]
Zestal leerredenen [Six sermons]

Moved to Amsterdam to be the pastor at Reformed Church

First sermon is 'Rooted and grounded: the Church as organism and as institution' (in Dutch here ) Conservatism and orthodoxy - farewell speech at Utrecht cathedral [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 65ff]
De Schrift: het woord Gods [Scripture the word of God]
 De strijd over het Vrije Beheer te Sneek [The battle over free management in Sneek]
 De leer der onsterfelijkheid en de staatsschool [The doctrine of immortality and the stae school]
 De Hollandsche gemeente te London in 1570-71  [The Dutch church in London 1570-71]

Struggles with the liberals in the Dutch Reformed Church

Van Prinsterer breaks with the Conservatives to work with Kuyper

Becomes editor in chief of the De Heraut after Dr. C. Schwartz's death

Delivers lecture ‘Modernism, a Fata Morgana in the Christian World' (in Dutch here) [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 87ff]

Given a house at 183 The Prins Hendrikkade as a birthday gift.
De Bartholomeusnacht [St Bartholomew]
 Het vergrijp der zeventien ouderlingen [The offence of the 17 elders]

Produces De Standaard as a daily newspaper - with 'For a free church and a free school in a free country' in its masthead.

Catechism classes for orphans in his home

Stands for election for the constituency of Gouda
Elected to the Second Chamber of the States General
Publishes ‘Confidentially’ [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 45ff]
Lecture at Utrecht ‘Calvinism the origin and guarantee of our constitutional liberties: a Netherlands reflection’ – in print 1894.
 Ons huis - sermon in the Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam 
 Uit het Woord - Bible studies/ meditation

Leaves pastorate to enter politics as member of the ARP won an interim election in Gouda district.

Dr Gunning proposes the idea for a Christian University
 De schoolkwestie [The school issue]
 De schoolwet voor de vierschaar van Europa [Education for the tribunal of Europe]

Travels to Brighton, England to hear D. L. Moody- invited by Robert Pearsall Smith

Series of articles on fasting

Complete nervous exhaustion

Travels to convalesce in southern Europe by Alpine mountain climbing

Van Prinsterer dies

Writes ‘Our Program’ outlining the political ideals of the ARP as a series of articles in De Standaard

Resigns seat in parliament due to complete nervous exhaustion

De Heraut relaunched

Begins series of articles on perfectionism

Association for Higher Education on the Basis of Reformed Principles founded

Petition to king not to sign Kappeyne’s education bill.

Anti-Revolutionary Party (ARP) becomes first national party under Kuyper
'Our Program’ for the ARP is published
"perfectionism" [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 141ff] 

Accepts seat in second chamber has to resign as a minister of the church

The Free University (VU) opens
Inaugural preached: ' Sovereignty in the individual sphere

Family moves back to Amsterdam from The Hague

Princess Wilhelmina reaches majority age and becomes queen
"Strikt genomen" [Strictly speaking]
Bede om een dubbel "Corrigendum," aan A.W. Bronsveld [Petition for double corrigendum to Bronsveld]
Inaugural preached: ‘Sovereignty in the individual sphere’ [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 461ff]

Professor at the Free University

VU has 5 professors and 5 students

Serves as the first Rector of the VU

Kuyper's mother and father die

Appointed as an elder by the Electoral commission of the State church

Starts writing a series on the Holy Spirit for De Heraut
Publishes a monograph / tract on Reformation of the Churches


Writes brochure 'The threatening conflict' 1886

Withdraws from the National Church and forms Doleantie (grieving ones)

Serves as Rector to VU for the second time preached on 'Calvinism and art'

ARP party forms coalition government with Aneas Baron Mackay as PM

600 ARP delegates meet in 10th convention - Kuyper delivers 'Not the liberty tree but the cross'
" Manual labor "[In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 231ff]
King William III dies

ARP party defeated by the Liberals

Wrote 'Calvinism and confessional revision' in response to a proposal to revise the Westminster Standards

At ARP convention delivers speech on 'Maranatha ' [In Bratt ' p. 205ff]

Presides over a provisional Synod for the Doleantie in The Hague

Delivers opening address at First Christian Social Congress - this becomes “The Problem of Poverty”

Kuypers' nine-year-old son, Willie, dies

Reformed Church in Netherlands formed from Doleantie and Christian Reformed Church (of the 1834 succession)

Delivers reading on panthesism ' The destruction of the boundaries ' at VU [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 363 ff]

E Voto Dordraceno a series of articles from De Heraut on the Heidelberg Cathechism is published

Re-elected to House of Representatives for Sliedrecht constituency

Concentrates on suffrage, labour and foreign affairs

Begins series on "the angels of God in De Heraut

Begins a series on common grace in De Heraut - completed in 1901


Biblia published - a translation of the Bible in Dutch with Bavinck and FL Rutgers
Re-elected to Dutch parliament

Serving as rector for the VU for the fourth time

Becomes chair of the Dutch Circle of Journalism

Invited by BB Warfield to USA. Gives the Stone Lectures at Princeton Seminary: Calvinism

Honorary Doctorate in Law from Princeton Of the church office

The full itinerary is given at John Bolt A Free Church, A Holy Nation Appendix B (20 Aug departs from Liverpool 27 Aug arrivals, 10 Dec departs, 31 Dec arrives at Amsterdam)

Kuyper's wife dies

Moves from Prins Hendrikkade house to 164 Keizersgracht next to the VU
 Article on the South African crisis published in Revue des deux Mondes 
Evolutie - lecture delivered at VU [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 403 ff]

First peace conference

Start of the Boer War

The South-African Crisis - published by Stop the War Committee in London [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 323ff]
The Work of the Holy Spirit published in English translated by B. B. Warfield
To Be Nearer unto God - a series of devotions published
De Englen Gods (The angels of God) published

Re-elected and becomes prime minister and Minister for Home Affairs
Moves to The Hague (5 De Kanaalstraat)
Drie kleine vossen [Three little foxes - the three are: intellectualism, mysticism and practicalism]
Volharden bij het ideaal [Insisting on the Ideal - remarks at a meeting of the deputies]

At ARP national convention keynote speech on 'Perseverance in the pursuit of our ideal'

Queen Wilhelmina marries the Duke Heinrich or Mecklenburg-Schwerin

Queen Wilhelmina becomes gravely ill
Common grace [Parts in Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 165ff] [CG Translation project]
In Jezus ontslapen: meditatien [Asleep in Jesus: a meditation]

Country plagued by strikes
Railroad and Harbour Workers’ Strike

[Celebrate your four days: meditations]
Albert Hahn produces 'Abraham the Great' cartoon

Russian-Japanese war begins
Common grace in science' [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 441ff]
German translation of Lectures on Calvinism published translated by Martin Jaeger

Higher Education Law enacted

Becomes part of the opposition
Sociale hervormingen [Social reform - bills devised by Kuyper's party]

Herman Bavinck delivers keynote speech to ARP convention

Grand tour of the Mediterranean

Compulsory insurance

150th anniversary of poet Bilderdyk - interrupts Mediterranean tour to give speech

Re-elected Chair of the ARP

Resumes editorship of De Heraut - begins series on Pro Rege
Om de oude wereldzee [Around the Ancient World Sea] - contains 'Mystery of Islam' [translated by Jan Boer]
Honorary title of Minister of State bestowed Kuyper on Queen Wilhelmina’s birthday
 'Our instinctive life' [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 255f]
Parlementaire redevoeringen [Parliamentary speeches]
Verjaardag-album met motto's uit de werken van Dr. A. Kuyper A retrospective of his career to mark the end of his work at the VU

Retires as professor at the VU

Returns to the House of Representatives for Ommen district

Awarded honorary doctorate by Delft Technological University

Brings Hendrik Colyn into politics
Wij, Calvinisten - opening remarks to ARP national convention (400th anniversary of birth of Calvin)

Receives honorary doctorate from the Catholic university of Louvain, Belgium
Practijk der Godzaligheid [Translated as Practice of Godliness]

Book of cartoons on Kuyper published

Begins a series on the consummation in De Heraut - completed in 1918
Onze Eeredienst [Translated as Our Worship] - began as a series of articles in 1897

Leaves politics due to ill health

40th anniversary of De Standaard
Een geloofsstuk - address to VU society in Haarlem
Uit het diensthuis uitgeleid [Brought out of the house of bondage]- speech in Leeuwarden, Groningen and Rotterdam
Zijn uitgang te Jerusalem - meditations on the suffering of our Lord
In Jezus ontslapen [Asleep in Jesus]

Elected to the First Chamber
De meiborn in de kap - delivered to the meeting of the ARP deleates/ deputies
Der Jongelingen sieraad is hun kracht - address given at the Jubilee of the Confederation of Reformed Young Men
 Heilige orde- speech to ARP in Amsterdam

Sided with the Germans in WWI - an anti-British rather than a pro-German stance; he opposed the British ever since the Boer War in 1914


De eereposite der vrouw [Women in the Bible - articles first appeared in the Amsterdam Church Messenger]
A kálvinizmus lényege - in Hungarian translated by Czeglédi Sándor with introduction by Sebestyén Jenö


Eudokia  - speech delivered to the Eudokia Institute in Rotterdam

2000th issue of De Heraut published (Kuyper wrote about 2000 meditations for it)
De wortel in de dorre aarde - delivered to a meeting of the Deputies
The Evolution of the Use of the Bible in Europe in Centennial Pamphlets, No. 2. American Bible Society: New York, 1916

De 'kleyne luyden' - at meeting opening of the Deputies

Resigns as chair of ARP
To Be Nearer Unto God published in English translated by J. H. De Vries.
Wat nu? - at opening of the Deputies

Ceses writing for De Standaard

Deaths of Jan Woltjer and FL Rutgers

Resigns ARP leadership

Revd WFA Winckel's Life Labor by Dr. Kuyper [Life and Work of Dr. A. Kuyper] published

Dies in The Hague

Buried in the cemetery Old Oak and Dunes

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