An accidental blog

"If God is sovereign, then his lordship must extend over all of life, and it cannot be restricted to the walls of the church or within the Christian orbit." Abraham Kuyper Common Grace 1.1.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

By Kuyper - available online

The following is a list of books or articles available by Abraham Kuyper translated into English and available online - in date order of original.
1878. 'Liberalists and Jews' translated by Dr. Jann Schlebusch available on line here.
1879 Dr. A. Kuyper, Het heil in ons (1879; repr. Kampen: Kok, 1910), pp. 165–225.
This study appeared in thirteen instalments in the Sunday supplement of De Standaard, from Aug. 2 to Nov. 15, 1874. ©Translation by Harry Van Dyke

1880. 'Sphere Sovereignty' (A public address delivered at the inauguration of the Free University, Oct. 20, 1880) Translated by George Kamps

1888. Days of Glad Tidings - Pentecost (with Ascension Day) vol. III (translated from Dagen van Goede Boodschap -Op den Pinksterdag (Met Hemelvaart) J.A. Wormser: Amsterdam, 1888 - by Jack Van Meggelen)
 1888. The Ascent of the Son The Descent of the Spirit. (26 Meditations on Ascension and Pentecost)Translated by Jan H. Boer
1890. "Lecture on missions." Given at the mission conference, Amsterdam, Jan. 28–30, 1890. ©Translation by Harry Van Dyke

1895.  "Commentary on the Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 42 (1895)" Markets & Morality.16(2) (2013)

 Extracts from The Work of the Holy Spirit:
    Sermon on Sanctification
      Sermon on Sanctification and Justification

1901. "Catholic Voters of District VIII" Source: Kuyper-archief, Historisch Documentatiecentrum VU, nr. 6460. ©Translation by Harry Van Dyke

1904. 'The Biblical Criticism of the Present Day'Bibliotheca Sacra (July/ Oct 1904)
1907. The Mystery of Islam. Translated by Jan H. Boer.  Chapter 1 of Volume 2 of Kuyper’s Om de Oude Wereldzee (Around the Ancient Mediterranean Sea).

1909. "Kuyper on political cartooning." From the Foreword to Dr. Kuyper in de Caricatuur. (Amsterdam: Van Holkema & Warendorf, 1909) ©Translation by Harry Van Dyke

1909. "Kuyper on coalitions and antithesis." From Wij, Calvinisten . . . (Kok, Kampen, 1909), 11–18. Selection from an address to the 17th National Assembly of Anti-Revolutionary Party delegates, convened in Utrecht on 22 April 1909, in preparation for the coming general elections. ©Translation by Harry Van Dyke

1909. "Kuyper on Calvin" From Wij, Calvinisten . . . (Kok, Kampen, 1909). Extract from Abraham Kuyper’s address to the 17th National Assembly of Delegates of the Antirevolutionary Party, gathered at Utrecht, 24 April 1909, in preparation for the upcoming general election campaign. This translation of pp. 149–52. ©Translation by Harry Van Dyke.
1912. Abraham Kuyper on separate organizations Pro Rege, or the Kingship of Christ (Kampen: Kok, 1912), 3:184–94 (§ XIX). ©Translation by Harry Van Dyke
1912. You Can Do Greater things Than Christ. Translated by Jan H. Boer (section from Pro Rege)
1916. The Evolution of the Use of the Bible in Europe in Centennial Pamphlets, No. 2. American Bible Society: New York, 1916


Karl W/ A K said...


It seems that the link for the English translation of the 1878 lecture has changed:


stevebishop said...

Thanks Karl - I've updated the link
