An accidental blog

"If God is sovereign, then his lordship must extend over all of life, and it cannot be restricted to the walls of the church or within the Christian orbit." Abraham Kuyper Common Grace 1.1.

Wednesday 2 October 2024

Neo-Calvinist Research Institute Dooyeweerd Bibliography


One of the most exciting things to happen this year is:

It contains an extensive bibliography of Herman Dooyeweerd and links to innumerable online works of Dooyeweerd.

Dmytro Bintsarovskyi has been working on this project for a while and it has now come to fruition.

Sunday 15 September 2024

Klaas Schilder’s review of Kuyper’s Lectures on Calvinism

 De Reformatie 12 (18 Dec 1931)

Dr. Abraham Kuyper, Calvinism, New Edition, with an Introductory Chapter by Dr. Henry Beets.
Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 234 Pearl St., N.W. Grand Rapids, Mich., 1931.

This book contains the English edition of the famous and well-known Stone Lectures that Dr. Abraham Kuyper delivered in the fall of 1898 at Princeton, New Jersey. These Stone Lectures have already been introduced multiple times to our Dutch people; not long ago, Mr. Kok published an excellent edition in the Dutch language. The Stone Lectures by Dr. Kuyper have been discussed so often in the Dutch press that we can forego a proper attempt at evaluation here.

Even if one considers that Dr. Kuyper in 1898 could enjoy all the benefits that any early effort in a "beginning" of "liberating Israel" can typically exploit—both in his own positioning and in the reaction his work received from interested kindred spirits—Kuyper's Stone Lectures have nonetheless had significant importance for the judgment of later years. How fine their structure was, and how aptly the hand of the general-theologian has struck in this case, becomes even clearer when one considers how painfully later announced plans to revive Calvinism fundamentally missed the mark; here, I am thinking of names like Barth, Haitjema, and others.

Now, Dr. Beets has provided an introduction for this English edition. With great expertise, Dr. Beets offers an overview of the state of affairs in revived Calvinism across the board since 1898. An overview for which many will be grateful to Dr. Beets, even if they think differently in certain areas. For example, I see in Barthianism—and in any reserved praise of its axioms—nothing less than a radical assault on Calvinism. Only in so far as Barth and others have adopted certain well-known slogans of Calvin is there a resemblance in tone. But even then, only to a limited extent; one only needs to think of the "objectivity" element in Barthian theology. The "turn toward the objective," which attracted some, ultimately amounted to a "turning away from the objective" in the case of a man who forever forbade calling God an "object."

Nevertheless, Dr. Beets has generally provided a very fine and accurate overview of the gains Calvinism has made since 1898. His overview, which indeed presents rich possibilities for the future, becomes for us a further encouragement, when placed alongside the material content of Kuyper's lectures, to ensure that we do not allow Calvinism to bleed out in our own country—or in our external work—by, for instance, extending a hand to ethical or Barthian movements (whether inside or outside a particular group) that, while invoking Calvin's name, are laying anti-Calvinist explosives under what was painstakingly built e voto Calvini (in accordance with Calvin's will).


Tuesday 10 September 2024

Kuyperania 1890s-1950s

My paper dealing with work on Kuyper in English up to the 1950s has now been published

Bishop, S. (2024). Kuyperania 1890s-1950s: A Survey of English-language Literature on Abraham Kuyper. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 60(1&2), 103-135. Retrieved from 

Monday 2 September 2024

Findings 7 is out

 A new issue of Findings is out:

Chris Gousmett          Editorial: Identifying – but how?

Anderson Paz             Political Order in Herman Dooyeweerd

Zane Richer                 Review Essay: The Two Moralities, by R Janoff-Bulman

Steve Bishop                Hendrik Jan van Riessen (1911–2000): An Introduction

Hendrik van Riessen     Creation and Science

Wednesday 7 August 2024

Bavinck's writings on pedagogy & writings on Bavinck's pedagogy

 Bavinck’s Works on Pedagogy

English translations

“Classical Education,” in Essays on Religion, Science and Society ed.  John Bolt, translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008), 209–244.

“Trends in Pedagogy,” in Essays on Religion, Science and Society ed.  John Bolt, translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008), 205–208.

Pedagogical Principles” from De School met den Bijbel 

 Bavinck's introduction to the meeting of the "Association of Reformed Schools in the Netherlands" (1915)

In Dutch

Paedagogische Beginselen. Kampen: Kok, 1904 [2nd edn 1917] [Pedagological Principles]

"Paedagogiek als wetenschap." De School met den Bijbel 2 no. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 40, 42, 44, 46 (1904). [Pedagogy as a Science]

De taak van het Gereformeerd Schoolverband: Voor onderwijs en opvoeding, 1 (Hilversum: Klemkerk, 1906). [The task of the Reformed School Association: For education and upbringing, 1. (Speech delivered at the second general meeting of the Reformed School Association in Utrecht, October 10, 1906)]

“Inleiding,” in A. Anema, H. Bavinck, A. Kuyper Jr., J. C. de Moor, P. A. E. Sillevis Smit and J. Woltjer, Christendom en opvoeding (Baarn: Hollandia, 1908), 1–32. [“Introduction” in Christianity and Education]

De Opvoeding Der Rijpere Jeugd (Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1916). [The education of mature youth]

De Nieuwe Opvoeding (Kampen: Kok, 1917). [The new education]

Works on Bavinck’s Pedagogy

In English

Brederveld, J. Christian Education: A Summary of Bavinck’s Pedagogical Principles. Translated by two members of the Calvin College Faculty. Grand Rapids: Smitter Book Company, 1928. [Translation of Hoofdlijnen der Paedagogiek van Dr. Herman Bavinck, met Critische Beschouwing. (Amsterdam: De Standaard, 1927).]

Harinck, George. "Bavinck and Pedagogy" in Bruce Pass (ed.) Herman Bavinck: Centenary Essays. (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).

Jaarsma, Cornelius Richard. The Educational Philosophy of Herman Bavinck: A Textbook in Education. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1935.

Price, Timothy Shaun. “Herman Bavinck and Abraham Kuyper on the Subject of Education as Seen in Two Public Addresses.” The Bavinck Review, 2, no. 1, (2011): 59–70. 

Price, Timothy Shaun. “Pedagogy as Theological Praxis: Martin Luther and Herman Bavinck as Sources for Engagement with Classical Education and the Liberal Arts Tradition,” Ph.D. thesis, University of Aberdeen (2013).

Strebel, Hanniel. Proposal for a Theological Prolegomena of Education: Lessons from Herman Bavinck’s Legacy Evangelical Review of Theology (2015) 39(2): 128–143.

In Dutch

Rombouts, Fr. S. Prof. Dr. H. Bavinck, Gids Bij de Studie van Zijn Paedagogische Werken (‘s-Hertogenbosch-Antwerpen: Malmberg, 1922).

Brederveld,  J. Hoofdlijnen der Paedagogiek van Dr. Herman Bavinck, met Critische Beschouwing (Amsterdam: De Standaard, 1927).

van der Zweep, L. De Paedagogiek van Bavinck (Kampen: Kok, 1935).

van Klinken, Lucas [1894- ]. Bavinck’s Paedagogische Beginselen (Meppel: Boom, 1937).

 Los, Sietse Oene [1871-1944]. “H. Bavinck 1854-1921” in Moderne Paedagogen en richtingen (Amsterdam: N.V. Dagblad en drukkerij de standard, 1938),  163-198.

Murre, Piet M.  “Het bereiden van brood,” Vitale idealen, voorbeeldige praktijken (Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn, 2012), 103–119.

In German

Strebel. Hanneil. Eine Theologie des Lernens. Systematisch-theologische Beiträge aus dem Werk von Herman Bavinck. VKW: Bonn, 2014.

Friday 2 August 2024

Kuyper: Metamorphoses of a much-travelled statesman

 "Gedaanteverwisselingen van een veel-reizend staatsman" [Metamorphoses of a much-travelled statesman.]  Kuyper is shown in different attire corresponding to the location he is visiting:

  1. In Berlijn (Berlin): Kuyper is dressed in a formal military-style uniform, possibly indicating his interactions with military or official figures in Germany.
  2. In Tirol (Tyrol): He is depicted in hiking or mountaineering gear, suggesting leisure or outdoor activities in the mountainous region of Tyrol.
  3. In Brussel (Brussels): Kuyper appears to be casually dressed, possibly indicating informal or everyday activities in the Belgian capital.
  4. In Sliedrecht: He is shown in a scholarly or professional attire, holding documents or a book, which reflects his role as an intellectual or academic figure in this Dutch town.