[Updated with added links of online books and articles 17/08/11]
[Updated with links to images on http://kerkgeschiedenis.web-log.nl]
1837 Born 29 October in Maassluis, Holland
Kuyper's parents Henriett Huber (1802-81) and Jan Fredrik Kuyper (1801-81)
1841 Moves with family to Middelburg in the province of Zeeland, where father is a minister
1849 Studied at the 'gymnasium' in Leiden, where father moved to be a minister
1855 Enrolled at Leiden University to study Literature
Worked on a Calvin - a Lasco treatise which becomes part of his doctorat
The 'miracle of the Lascania'
1858 November Enrolled in theology at Leiden to train for the church ministry
1860 Commentatio describes Calvin’s and a Lasco’s concepts of the church
Niet de Vrijheidsboom maar het kruis [Not the liberty tree but the cross]
1862 Reads the Heir of Redclyffe by Charlotte M. Yonge during a nervous breakdown
Admitted to the candidacy for the State Church
Disquisitio historico-theologica: exhibens Joannis Calvini et Joannis à Lasco de ecclesia sententiarum inter se compositionem
1863 Received DTh degree from University of Leiden. Supervised by Dr Scholten
Marries Johanna Hendrika Schaay
Takes up role as minister in DRC in Beesd - his inaugural sermon was on 1 Jn 1:7
Meets Pietronella Baltus one of the Reformed 'pious malcontents' at Beesd
Pietje Baltus (1830-1914)
1864 Begins corresponding with Guillame Groen van Prinsterer (1810-76)
Article 23 - Kuper’s response is published
1866 Published the works of à Lasco in Latin – with a 121 page introduction
1867 Moves to Utrecht to become pastor at the Domek
Active in church government reform
De menschwording Gods het levensbeginsel der kerk.
Wat moeten wij doen: het stemrecht aan ons zelven houden of den kerkeraad machtigen? [What must we do? - addresses the question of democracy in the church]
1868 Writes brochure on Church Visiting: Kerkvisitatie te Utrecht in 1868
Toelichting der memorie ingediend door den algemeenen kerkeraad van Utrecht ann het classicaal bestuur van Utrecht den 21 September 1868
1869 Meets Van Prinsterer become friends and co-workers
Starts writing articles for De Heraut
De Nuts Beweging
Het beroep op het volksgewetern - speech to Christelijk Nationaal-Schoolonderwijs at Utrecht
De kerkelijke goederen [The church property]
De werking van artikel 23 [The effect of Article 23]
Eenvormigheid, de vloek van het moderne leven ["Uniformity: the curse of modern life" [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 19ff]
Vrijmaking der kerk [Liberalisation of the church]
Zestal leerredenen [Six sermons]
1870 Moved to Amsterdam to be the pastor at Hervormde Kerk
First sermon is ‘Rooted and grounded: the Church as organism and as institution’(in Dutch here)
Conservatisme en orthodoxie - farewell speech at Utrecht cathedral [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 65ff]
Struggles with the liberals in the Dutch Reformed Church
Becomes editor in chief of the De Heraut after Dr C. Schwartz’s death
Van Prinster breaks with the Conservatives to work with Kuyper
De Schrift: het woord Gods [Scripture the word of God]
De strijd over het Vrije Beheer te Sneek [The battle over free management in Sneek]
De leer der onsterfelijkheid en de staatsschool [The doctrine of immortality and the stae school]
De Hollandsche gemeente te London in 1570-71 [The Dutch church in London 1570-71]
1871 Delivers lecture ‘Modernism, a Fata Morgana in the Christian World' (in Dutch here) [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 87ff]
Een perel in verkeerde schelp
O, God! wees mij zondaar genadig!
Tweede zestal leerredenen
1872 Given a house at 183 De Prins Hendrikkade as a birthday gift.
Produces De Standaard as a daily newspaper – with 'For a free church and a free school in a free land’ in its masthead.
Cathechism classes for orphans in his home
De Bartholomeusnacht [St Bartholomew]
Het vergrijp der zeventien ouderlingen [The offence of the 17 elders]
1873 Stands for election for the constituency of Gouda
Publishes ‘Confidentially’ [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 45ff]
Lecture at Utrecht ‘Calvinism the origin and guarantee of our consitutional liberties: a Netherlands reflection’ – in print 1894.
Eenheid rede, ter bevestiging van Ds. P. van Son, gehouden 31 Augustus 1873 in de Nieuwe Kerk te Amsterdam
Vrijheid. Rede. Ter bevestigin van Dr. Ph. S. van Ronkel, gehouden den 23 Maart 1873, in de nieuwe kerk
Ons huis - sermon in the Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam
Uit het Woord - Bible studies/ meditations
1874 Leaves pastorate to enter politics as member of the ARP won an interim election in Gouda district.
Het Calvinisme: oorsprong en waarborg onzer constitutineele vrijheden. Een nederlandsche gedachte [In Bratt's Centennial Reader p. 279 ff]
Grieven tegen de schoolwet en het geheim verraden
1875 Dr Gunning proposes the idea for a Christian University
Travels to Brighton, England to hear D. L. Moody invited by Robert Pearsall Smith
Series of articles on fasting
De Scherpe Resolutie en het decretum horribile
Het redmiddel
De schoolkwestie [The school issue]
De schoolwet voor de vierschaar van Europa [Education for the tribunal of Europe]]
1876 Complete nervous exhaustion
Travels to convalesce in southern Europe
Enjoys Alpine mountain climbing
Van Prinsterer dies
1877-8 Writes ‘Our Program’ outlining the political ideals of the ARP as a series of articles in De Standaard
1877 Resigns seat in parliament
De Heraut relaunched
Begins sereis of articles on perfectionism
1878 Association for Higher Education on the Basis of Reformed Principles founded
Petition to king not to sign Kappeyne’s education bill
Liberalisten en Joden
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