Jellma's own notes on this in The Kuyper Newsletter vol 2 (June 1980) summarise it well: 'Treat K. especially as a critic of secularised capitalism'. After a short biographical piece on Kuyper Jellma focuses on Kuyper's politics and his battles against liberalism. Contains much helpful details of his political skirmishes.
Vander Stelt, John (1973), ‘Kuyper's semi-mystical conception’, Philosophia Reformata, 38, 178-190.
Vander Stelt starts by noting that Kuyper continued what Calvin had done. Kuyper wanted to steer a way that avoided the 'false lifestyle of Anabaptists world-flight, Rpman Catholic world-compromise and Secualr world-conformity.' Kuyper's approach was a 'Spirit-driven, world-reformation' (p. 178). He utilises Vollenhoven's Consistent Problem Historical Method and describes Kuyper as a semi-mystic (partial universalism without the theme of macro-microcosmos).
The Kuyper Newsletter volume 1 January, 1980.

Its aim was 'to act as a information center, a clearing house, a place for notes of interest, rather than a formal journal'.
Spykman, Gordon 'A Kuyper logo'
commenting on the appropriateness of the han cartoon as the newsletter's logo.
Rockne McCarthy 'The Kuyperian tradition and mediating structures' Briefly outlines the work of 'the newly formed Dordt Lectureship Center is the collection, translation and editing for publication of seminal essays of nineteenth century social pluralists in Germany, France, The Netherlands and elsewhere who opposed the individualistic social philosophy of the French Revolution.'
Spykman, Gordon 'Kuyper on political cartooning'
A translation of excerpts from Kuyper on political cartoons and those of Kuyper in particular.
Mouw, Richard 'Kuyper and South Africa'
Mouw notes that there is much work to be done on the influence of Kuyper's thought in South Africa. Mouw notes some useful starting points.
Jellma, Dirk W. 'Bibliographical notes'
A brief 9 item annotated bibliography of works dealing with Kuyper.
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