Bavinck’s Works on Pedagogy
English translations
“Classical Education,” in Essays on Religion, Science and Society ed. John Bolt, translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008), 209–244.
“Trends in Pedagogy,” in Essays on Religion, Science and Society ed. John Bolt, translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008), 205–208.
“Pedagogical Principles” from De School met den Bijbel
Bavinck's introduction to the meeting of the "Association of Reformed Schools in the Netherlands" (1915)
In Dutch
Paedagogische Beginselen. Kampen: Kok, 1904 [2nd edn 1917] [Pedagological Principles]
"Paedagogiek als wetenschap." De School met den Bijbel 2 no. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 40, 42, 44, 46 (1904). [Pedagogy as a Science]
De taak van het Gereformeerd Schoolverband: Voor onderwijs en opvoeding, 1 (Hilversum: Klemkerk, 1906). [The task of the Reformed School Association: For education and upbringing, 1. (Speech delivered at the second general meeting of the Reformed School Association in Utrecht, October 10, 1906)]
“Inleiding,” in A. Anema, H. Bavinck, A. Kuyper Jr., J. C. de Moor, P. A. E. Sillevis Smit and J. Woltjer, Christendom en opvoeding (Baarn: Hollandia, 1908), 1–32. [“Introduction” in Christianity and Education]
De Opvoeding Der Rijpere Jeugd (Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1916). [The education of mature youth]
De Nieuwe Opvoeding (Kampen: Kok, 1917). [The new education]
Works on Bavinck’s Pedagogy
In English
Brederveld, J. Christian Education: A Summary of Bavinck’s Pedagogical Principles. Translated by two members of the Calvin College Faculty. Grand Rapids: Smitter Book Company, 1928. [Translation of Hoofdlijnen der Paedagogiek van Dr. Herman Bavinck, met Critische Beschouwing. (Amsterdam: De Standaard, 1927).]
Harinck, George. "Bavinck and Pedagogy" in Bruce Pass (ed.) Herman Bavinck: Centenary Essays. (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).
Jaarsma, Cornelius Richard. The Educational Philosophy of Herman Bavinck: A Textbook in Education. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1935.
Price, Timothy Shaun. “Herman Bavinck and Abraham Kuyper on the Subject of Education as Seen in Two Public Addresses.” The Bavinck Review, 2, no. 1, (2011): 59–70.
Price, Timothy Shaun. “Pedagogy as Theological Praxis: Martin Luther and Herman Bavinck as Sources for Engagement with Classical Education and the Liberal Arts Tradition,” Ph.D. thesis, University of Aberdeen (2013).
Strebel, Hanniel. Proposal for a Theological Prolegomena of Education: Lessons from Herman Bavinck’s Legacy Evangelical Review of Theology (2015) 39(2): 128–143.
In Dutch
Rombouts, Fr. S. Prof. Dr. H. Bavinck, Gids Bij de Studie van Zijn Paedagogische Werken (‘s-Hertogenbosch-Antwerpen: Malmberg, 1922).
Brederveld, J. Hoofdlijnen der Paedagogiek van Dr. Herman Bavinck, met Critische Beschouwing (Amsterdam: De Standaard, 1927).
van der Zweep, L. De Paedagogiek van Bavinck (Kampen: Kok, 1935).
van Klinken, Lucas [1894- ]. Bavinck’s Paedagogische Beginselen (Meppel: Boom, 1937).
Los, Sietse Oene [1871-1944]. “H. Bavinck 1854-1921” in Moderne Paedagogen en richtingen (Amsterdam: N.V. Dagblad en drukkerij de standard, 1938), 163-198.
Murre, Piet M. “Het bereiden van brood,” Vitale idealen, voorbeeldige praktijken (Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn, 2012), 103–119.
In German
Strebel. Hanneil. Eine Theologie des Lernens. Systematisch-theologische Beiträge aus dem Werk von Herman Bavinck. VKW: Bonn, 2014.