
Wednesday 7 August 2024

Bavinck's writings on pedagogy & writings on Bavinck's pedagogy

 Bavinck’s Works on Pedagogy

English translations

“Classical Education,” in Essays on Religion, Science and Society ed.  John Bolt, translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008), 209–244.

“Trends in Pedagogy,” in Essays on Religion, Science and Society ed.  John Bolt, translated by Harry Boonstra and Gerrit Sheeres (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2008), 205–208.

Pedagogical Principles” from De School met den Bijbel 

 Bavinck's introduction to the meeting of the "Association of Reformed Schools in the Netherlands" (1915)

In Dutch

Paedagogische Beginselen. Kampen: Kok, 1904 [2nd edn 1917] [Pedagological Principles]

"Paedagogiek als wetenschap." De School met den Bijbel 2 no. 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 40, 42, 44, 46 (1904). [Pedagogy as a Science]

De taak van het Gereformeerd Schoolverband: Voor onderwijs en opvoeding, 1 (Hilversum: Klemkerk, 1906). [The task of the Reformed School Association: For education and upbringing, 1. (Speech delivered at the second general meeting of the Reformed School Association in Utrecht, October 10, 1906)]

“Inleiding,” in A. Anema, H. Bavinck, A. Kuyper Jr., J. C. de Moor, P. A. E. Sillevis Smit and J. Woltjer, Christendom en opvoeding (Baarn: Hollandia, 1908), 1–32. [“Introduction” in Christianity and Education]

De Opvoeding Der Rijpere Jeugd (Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1916). [The education of mature youth]

De Nieuwe Opvoeding (Kampen: Kok, 1917). [The new education]

Works on Bavinck’s Pedagogy

In English

Brederveld, J. Christian Education: A Summary of Bavinck’s Pedagogical Principles. Translated by two members of the Calvin College Faculty. Grand Rapids: Smitter Book Company, 1928. [Translation of Hoofdlijnen der Paedagogiek van Dr. Herman Bavinck, met Critische Beschouwing. (Amsterdam: De Standaard, 1927).]

Harinck, George. "Bavinck and Pedagogy" in Bruce Pass (ed.) Herman Bavinck: Centenary Essays. (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming).

Jaarsma, Cornelius Richard. The Educational Philosophy of Herman Bavinck: A Textbook in Education. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1935.

Price, Timothy Shaun. “Herman Bavinck and Abraham Kuyper on the Subject of Education as Seen in Two Public Addresses.” The Bavinck Review, 2, no. 1, (2011): 59–70. 

Price, Timothy Shaun. “Pedagogy as Theological Praxis: Martin Luther and Herman Bavinck as Sources for Engagement with Classical Education and the Liberal Arts Tradition,” Ph.D. thesis, University of Aberdeen (2013).

In Dutch

Rombouts, Fr. S. Prof. Dr. H. Bavinck, Gids Bij de Studie van Zijn Paedagogische Werken (‘s-Hertogenbosch-Antwerpen: Malmberg, 1922).

Brederveld,  J. Hoofdlijnen der Paedagogiek van Dr. Herman Bavinck, met Critische Beschouwing (Amsterdam: De Standaard, 1927).

van der Zweep, L. De Paedagogiek van Bavinck (Kampen: Kok, 1935).

van Klinken, Lucas [1894- ]. Bavinck’s Paedagogische Beginselen (Meppel: Boom, 1937).

 Los, Sietse Oene [1871-1944]. “H. Bavinck 1854-1921” in Moderne Paedagogen en richtingen (Amsterdam: N.V. Dagblad en drukkerij de standard, 1938),  163-198.

Murre, Piet M.  “Het bereiden van brood,” Vitale idealen, voorbeeldige praktijken (Amsterdam: Buijten & Schipperheijn, 2012), 103–119.

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