
Tuesday 14 August 2018

Concept map of Dooyeweerd's philosophy - based on Danie Strauss' outline

Danie Straus has written an excellent introduction to Herman Dooyeweerd's Philosophy (2015):

It is available as a pdf here.

I have attempted to summarise it in one concept map (the term is Novak's). Here it is (clicking on the image will enlarge it):

Here's the text outline of the map:

Dooyeweerd's philosophy by DFM Strauss
    1. Herman Dooyeweerd
      1. Dogma of the autonomy of theoretical thought
        1. Human reason
          1. Autonomous
          2. No prior theoretical assumptions
          3. Self-sufficient
      2. Early works
        1. 1920s Struggle for Christian Politics
        2. 1926 Inaugural lecture
          1. Free University
        3. 1931 Crisis in humanistic political theory
        4. 1935-36 NCTT
          1. Science of law
        5. 1917 PhD
      3. Philosophical trends
        1. Orderliness of creation
          1. A theoretical view of reality
            1. Can't be avoided
      4. Alternative approach
        1. Theoretical thought
          1. Theoretical view of reality
            1. Ground motive
              1. Christian scholarship
                1. Christian life and worldview
      5. Transcendental critique
        1. Theoretical thought can't have it's starting point within itself
          1. Then other aspects will be the sole mode of explanation
          2. Must transcend the diversity of all aspects
            1. Needs supra-temporal point of departure
      6. Ground-motives
        1. Communal driving forces
        2. Form-matter
        3. Creation, fall, redemption
        4. Nature-freedom
        5. Nature-grace
    2. Ultimate commitments
      1. Religion
        1. 1. Giving direction to all - life-encompassing
        2. 2. Faith
    3. Basic contours
      1. Creation
        1. Subject to God-given laws
      2. Creator
      3. Theory of Modal law-sphere
        1. Everyday experience
        2. The 'how' question
        3. Subject-object
          1. All function in all aspects
            1. Humans function actively in all aspects
            2. Plants object functions in post-biotic aspects
            3. Animals object functions in post-sensitive aspects
        4. Multi-aspect of humans
        5. Law side
        6. Factual side
          1. Presuppose
            1. Uniqueness
              1. Sphere-sovereignty
            2. Coherence
              1. Sphere universality
              2. Retrocipations 
              3. Anticipations
                1. Opened up through process of meaning disclosure
        7. Faith Ethical Jural Aesthetic Economic Cultural-historic Logical-analytical Sensory Biotic Physical Kinematic Spatial Arithmetical 
          1. Meaning-nucleus
            1. Irreducibility
            2. Indefinability
              1. Primitive terms
            3. Uniqueness
    4. Dimension of ontic time
      1. Time
        1. Embraces all aspects & entities
        2. Law side
          1. Time duration
        3. Factual side
          1. Time order
    5. Dimension of (natural & societal) entities
      1. Entities & events 
        1. Function in all modal aspects
      2. State
        1. Citizens
          1. Quantitative
          2. Alive
            1. Biotic 
        2. Territory
          1. Spatial
        3. Freedom of movement
          1. Kinematic
        4. Power of the sword
          1. Force
        5. Law enforcement
          1. Jural
        6. Tax paying
        7. Sense of belonging- feeling at home
          1. Sensory-psychic
        8. National identity
          1. Logical-analytic
        9. Political parties
          1. Credo
      3. Societies
        1. Differentiated
          1. Qualifying/ guiding functions
        2. Undifferentiated
          1. Extended family
          2. Sib/ clan
    6. Legacy of reformational philosophy
      1. Foundation for Reformational philosophy
        1. 5 yearly conferences
      2. Scholars
        1. Physics
          1. Stafleu
        2. Maths
          1. Strauss
        3. Biology
          1. Diemer
          2. Duyvene De Wit
        4. Linguistics
          1. Weideman
        5. Economic
          1. Goudzwaard
        6. Law
          1. Hommes
        7. Politics
          1. Koyzis
          2. Chaplin
        8. Theology
          1. Ouweneel
          2. Troost
      3. Universities
        1. Special chairs in the Netherlands
      4. Dooyeweerd's collected works
        1. Published
        2. Translated

Here are the sections from the complete map:


  1. Shouldn't law side be linked to time order and factual side to time duration, Steve?

  2. Thanks Tony - good spot. I've now corrected it.
