
Tuesday 26 December 2017

Resources for Reformational philosophy

Bartholomew, C. and Goheen, M. 2013. Christian Philosophy: A Systematic and Narrative Introduction. Grand Rapids: Baker.

Bishop, Steve (ed.) 2011. Like the First Gleam of Dawn: Reformational Studies - a B. J. van der Walt Reader. Potchefstroom: Institute for Contemporary Christianity in Africa.

Bril, Kor A. 2005. Vollenhoven’s Problem-Historical Method. Sioux Center: Dordt College Press.

Cusveller, B, Verkerk, M and de Vries, M. 2011. The Matrix Reformed: Science Fiction, Technology and Christian Philosophy.  Sioux Center, IA: Dordt College Press.

Clouser, Roy A. 2005. The Myth of Neutrality. Notre Dame: UNDP (2nd edn).

Clouser, Roy A. 1999. Knowing With the Heart. Downers Grove: IVP.

Dooyeweerd, Herman 1960. In the Twilight of Western Thought. Grand Rapids: P&R

Dooyeweerd, Herman 1979. Roots of Western culture.

Hart, Hendrik 1984. Understanding out World: An Integral Ontology. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.

Kalsbeek, L.  1975. Contours of a Christian Philosophy. Toronto: Wedge. 

Kok John, H. 1998. Patterns of the Western Mind. Sioux Center: Dordt College Press.

Ouweneel, W. 2014. Wisdom for Thinkers: An Introduction to Christian Philosophy. Jordan Station, ON: Paideia Press.

Peck, J. and Strohmer, C.2001. Uncommon Sense London: SPCK.

Strauss, D.F.M. 2009. Philosophy: Discipline of the Disciplines. Grand Rapids. MI: Paideia Press.

Strauss, D.F.M. 2015. Herman Dooyeweerd’s Philosophy at allofliferedeemed

Troost, Andree 2013. What is Reformational Philosophy? Grand Rapids: Paideia Press, 2013.

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