
Sunday 30 June 2013

More resources for a Christian approach to technology

In 2008 I posted a bibliography of resources for a Christian approach to technology (see also the list on all of life redeemed). Since then a number of great books, blogs and papers on the topic have appeared, including some I missed the first time around.

These are a few of them:


Brue, Ethan J. Derek C. Schuurman, Derek C. and VanderLeest, Steven. 2022. A Christian Field Guide to Technology for Engineers and Designers. Downers Grove: IVP.
How can designing and using technology actually be a way of loving God and our neighbors? Veteran engineers and teachers Ethan Brue, Derek Schuurman, and Steve VanderLeest provide a field guide for fellow explorers working with technology.

Derek Schuurman 2013. Shaping a DigitalWorld: Faith, Culture and Computer Technology. IVP.
   Byron Borger has a review/ summary of the book here.
   A website to support the book is here.

Bert Cusveller, Maarten Verkerk and Marc de Vries 2011. The Matrix Reformed
Science Fiction, Technology and Christian Philosophy. Sioux Center: Dordt College Press.

John Dyer 2011. From the Garden to the City: The Redeeming and Corrupting Power of Technology. Kregal.

Tim Challies 2011. The Next Story: Life and Faith after the Digital Explosion. Crossway.

Quentin J. Schultze and Robert H. Woods Jr. (eds) 2008. Understanding Evangelical Media. IVP.

Robert A. Wauzzinski 2001. Discerning Prometheus: The Cry for Wisdom on Our Technological Society. London: Associated Press.

Charles Adams 1980. "Engineering in Reformed perspective." Pro Rege 9 (September): 9-21.

Charles Adams 1991. "Automobiles, computers and assault riflesPro Rege 19(3) (March): 1-7.

Charles Adams 1997. "Formation or deformation: modern technology and the cultural mandate." Pro Rege 25(4) (June): 1-8.

Charles Adams 1997. "Galileo, biotechnology, and epistemological humility.Pro Rege 35(3) (March): 1-19.

Charles Adams 1995. "Transcending technophilia and technophobia: a Reformational perspective on technology." Christian Educators Journal 35 (October): 2-3.

Charles Adams. 2013. "Teaching technical engineering courses from a Christian perspective: Two examples." Pro Rege 41 (March): 1-11.

Willis Alberda 1984. "Norms for an information age." Pro Rege 13:22-28.

Elwood Bass 1974. "Science, technology and society - a historical perspective." Pro Rege 2:  11-18.

J. D. R. de Raadt. 1998. A New Management of Life. Toronto Series in Theology (Vol. 75). Lampeter: Edwin Mellen.

Ken Funk 2007. "Thinking critically about technology" PSCF 

Calvin Jongsma 1985. "Responsible technology: the challenge of our age." Pro Rege 13: 7-11.

Vanden House 1997. "In the beginning was Information." Pro Rege 25(4) (June): 19-28.

David Lyon 1997. "Spiders, flies and the Internet." Pro Rege 25(4) (June): 9-17.

Russell Maatman 1984. "The validity of science and technology." Pro Rege 13: 14-21..

Byron Newberry 2005. "The Challenge of Vocation in Engineering Education," Christian Scholar’s Review 35(1): 49-62.

Derek C. Schuurman 2007. "Forming a Christian view of computer technology." Journal of the Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences (ACMS).

Derek C. Schuurman 2012. "Technology has a message." Christian Educators Journal 51(3): 4-7.

Derek Schuurman "A summary of a Christian perspective on computer science"

Egbert Schuurman 2006. "Struggle in the ethics of technology." Koers 71(1):155-173.

Wayne Tinga 1985. "Computers and robotics." Pro Rege 13: 2-10.


Christian Engineering Society

A theology of technology
Engineering at Dordt
Technically speaking
Transforming Vision: Connecting theologia & techne

Web pages
Technology and Christian 'Values'
Last updated in 1999 but contains some useful materials.

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