
Friday 17 February 2012

Herman Huber Kuyper (1864-1945)

Herman Huber [H. H.] Kuyper, Abraham Kuyper's eldest son,  was born in Beesd on 22 July 1864. He studied theology at the VU in 1863, and was later appointed professor of theology at the VU in 1899. He taught the ecclesiastical history of Holland and the encyclopedia of theology. When F. L. Rutgers retired he also taught church polity.

He wrote De post-acta of nahandelingen van de Nationale Synode von Dordrecht in 1618 en 1619 gehouden Amsterdam: Höveker & Wormser, 1899.

He was evacuated from Arnhem in 1945 and died at Groningen in 1945.

He wrote a number of articles in The Herald that were perceived to be ‘Nazi friendly’. (Ron Gleason, 2010, Herman Bavinck,  p 333). He thought that the German occupation forces represented the legitimate government.

His son Elisha William joined the Waffen SS as a journalist he went to the Eastern front and was killed in January 1944.

Picture taken at the celebration of 25 years at the VU of H. H. Kuyper (1925). The family are seated at the front.  Behind them are the celebration committee.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What do you think or know about the "Nazi friendly" articles? I was stunned several years back when I first read of the grandson serving in the Waffen SS. Do you think they were innocently deceived or were spiritually negligent? Good men can be duped.
    (My first comment had a spelling glitch.)

  3. Hi Ben,

    The phrase 'Nazi friendly' came from Ron Gleason's Bavinck biography. In short I don't know for sure.

    But a few thoughts:

    Kuyper was anti-British as a result of the Boer War, this may have had some impact.

    In light of Rom 13 it may be difficult to distinguish between a lawful government and an occupying force - when does the occupying force become the lawful government?

    I haven't read his articles in The Herald - they would obviously shed more light on the issue.

    His son was a journalist and went to the front to report on the war - perhaps to do this he had to enlist?

    More questions than answers!

  4. Chris G6:46 am

    According to Wikipedia, Elisa Willem Kuyper enlisted willingly, indeed after some effort, since his first attempt to enroll was unsuccessful due to his physical condition. He then underwent rigorous physical training improve himself and was then accepted into the Wffen-SS at the end of 1942. He was then 48 years old so this did not happen in a rush of youthful enthusiasm. He was married with four children.
    He was a journalist and eventually sent to the Crimea on the Russian front to report back to the Netherlands newspapers. He was shot dead on 17/18 January 1944 after two months active service on the front.
