
Saturday 21 November 2009

Jubilee 2010

Jubilee from Jubilee on Vimeo.

Check out the jubilee 2010 website and the living jubilee blog


  1. I wonder what CCO and others like them are doing to appeal to the working-class, the "minorities", the kids who don't go to college but who need to hear how they can be a mechanic or a receptionist or a soldier to the glory of God? The kids for whom social justice does not refer to fair-trade coffee, but to street-gangs.

    Not to mention all the other insights and new personal relationships that Jubilee might facilitate. I hope that communities of kids aren't being left out in the cold.

  2. Hi Paul,

    A good point - everyone needs to be reached. I don't think it's fair to criticise CCO for not doing it though; they have a different calling. But others certainly need to.



  3. As you might know, I think that people use the idea of "calling" to hide behind, both existentially and theologically. I see no reason to say that CCO has a calling, beyond the calling that every Christian has. That they have joined together to form CCO is an excellent response to that calling, but it is not itself a calling.

    I did not intend to criticise CCO in a moral sense, because I don't know the situation on the ground (ought implies can). But I think it is a bad idea to have other organisations reach the non-college kids; it would introduce an unhealthy split between the two groups of Christians. Or, at least, if there are to be college vs non-college organisations, then they ought to co-operate with events such as the Jubilee conference.

    So, I stand by my post: I wonder what CCO and others like them are doing to appeal to the kids who might be being left behind in all of this. And I mean that sincerely: I'd like to know. If I do go to the USA some day, it'd be something I'd like to be involved with.

  4. CCO recently started their first trades school campus ministry. It's a start ... but yes, Paul, there is a gap there ...

  5. Thanks, Gideon. It's good to know that you are thinking about these things.
