
Sunday 11 January 2009

All of life redeemed website 2008 new materials

It's been a busy year for the allofliferedeemed website:

My thanks to all those who have given permission for me to post their work, for those who have scanned materials and for those who use it.

Here is a list of the new additions in 2008:

New pages added:

Jacob Klapwijk pages
Gordon Spykman pages
H Van Riessen pages
S U Zuideman pages
J P A Mekkes pages
K J Popma pages
A Janse pages
H G Stoker pages
J A L Taljaard pages
Robert Knudsen pages
Jim Skillen pages
Mike Goheen pages
Craig Bartholomew pages
Andrew Basden pages

New articles:

Andrew Basden

1999. On the ontological status of virtual environments
1999. A new framework for sustainability
2001. Beyond emancipation
2001. A philosophical underpinning for IT evaluation
2002.The critical theory of Herman Dooyeweerd?
2002. A Philosophical Underpinning For ISD
2003. with A. Trevor Wood-Harper A Philosophical Enrichment of CATWOE
2003. Enriching critical theory
2003. Levels of guidance
2004. Emancipation as if it mattered
2004. On Appealing to Philosophy in Information Systems
2005. Enriching humanist thought
2006. Information systems as a life-world
2007. 'Fresh light thrown on the Chinese room'
2007. A brief overview of Dooyeweerd's philosophy
2007. Frameworks for understanding IS and ICT
2008. Understanding everyday experience and use of facebook and games
2008. A slow journey towards Social Theory in information systems

Roy Clouser

2008. Is belief in God made obsolete by science?
1985. Dooyeweerd on religion and faith: a response. ICS Conference paper.

Mike Goheen

Creational Revelation, Scriptural Revelation, and Science, in Facets of Faith and Science. Volume 4: Interpreting God's Action in the World,ed. Jitse van der Meer. Lanham: The Pascal Centre for Advanced Studies in Faith and Science/University Press of America, 1996, 313-330.

Organism of Revelation, in Facets of Faith and Science. Volume 4: Interpreting God's Action in the World, ed. Jitse van der Meer. Lanham: The Pascal Center for Advanced Studies in Faith and Science/University Press of America, 1996, 331-345.

Bob Goudzwaard

10 A Christian Political Option book - 1972
13 Economic Stewardship versus Capitalist Religion syllabus - 1972
17 Interview - Goudzwaard and Cramp Vanguard - 1974
18 "From Death to Shalom" Vanguard article - 1974
31 "Norms for the International Economic Order" with J van Baars - 1978
35 Towards Reformation in Economics ICS class syllabus - 1980
36 "Types of Government Economic Policy" ICS paper - 1980
40 "Christian Social Thought in the Dutch Neo-Calvinist tradition" - 1986
42 "Creation Management: " conference paper and journal article - 1987
43 with H M de Lange, book review - 1988
45 "World Poverty - A Contribution" WCC Minutes, Moscow - 1989
46 "Why poverty grows" journal article - 1989
49 "Christian Politics and the Pirnciple of Sphere Sovereignty" - 1991
51 "Freedom and Justice: ..." journal article - 1992
52 "Economics and Theology" journal article - 1992
60 "Who Cares?" CPJ conference paper and book chapter - 1996
63 "Globalization" WARC conference paper and journal article - 1996
69 "New Introduction" to Capitalism and Progress - 1997
75 "Spirals of life and death ..." journal article - 1998
76 "Globalization, regionalization and Sphere-Soverengty" speech - 1998
83 with Aad Vlot, VvCW conference summary and journal article - 2001
90 "Ethical Dimesnions of a Globalising Economy" Potter festschrift - 2002
113 "Economic theory and the normative aspects of reality" (1961) - 2008
114 "Market, Money, Capital" (1999) with Rob van Drimmelen - 2008

Jacob Klapwijk
2008. Reason Reversed? chapter 1 and 9
1991. Antithesis and Common Grace
1991. Epilogue: The Idea of Transformational Philosophy
1980. The Struggle for a Christian Philosophy: Another Look at Dooyeweerd
1980. Dooyeweerd's Christian Philosophy: Antithesis and Critique

Abraham Kuyper

Days of Glad Tidings - Pentecost( with Ascension Day) vol. III (translated from Dagen van Goede Boodschap -Op den Pinksterdag (Met Hemelvaart) J.A. Wormser: Amsterdam, 1888 - by Jack Van Meggelen)

Duncan Roper

'The earth as a garden for all creatures' (2008) Stimulus

Mark Roques and Arthur Jones:

What is Distinctive about the Reality Bites Approach to Schools Work? I. Telling the Stories of Culture-Transforming Christians

What’s Distinctive about the Reality Bites Approach to Schools Work? II. Engaging in ‘Immanent Critique’ of Secularism

Jim Skillen

'Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea: Herman Dooyeweerd’s Political and Legal Thought' The Political Science Reviewer XXXII (2003) pp.318-380

Gordon Spykman

1985. Spectacles: Biblical Perspectives on Christian Scholarship. PU for CHE: Potchefstroom.

1982. 'Beyond words to action' in Confessing Christ and Doing Politics ed. James Skillen (CPJ: Washington)

1984. How is scripture normative in Christian ethics? In The Interpretation of Scripture Today: RES Theological Conference, Chicago 1984. Grand Rapids, MI.: Reformed Ecumenical Synod, 1984 (pp. 39-57).

1992. Theology queen or servant? Orientation: international circular of the PU for CHE; nos. 63-66. 13-23.
A Confessional Hermeneutic Alternative to the Historical-Critical Method. The Reformed Ecumenical Synod Theological Bulletin (December), Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 1-13.

D. H. TH Vollenhoven

'Lecture notes on Kant' from the syllabus 1958-59; translated by Bill Rowe (1977)

'The foundations of Calvinist thought' - lecture delivered in 1934 at Dusseldorf
Het Calvinischme en de Reformatie van de Wijsbegeerte Ch 2 (pp 22-48) (in English)

Bruce Wearne

2008. Cultivating Care within a Vulnerable Economy: an annotated bibliography of the English writings of Bob Goudzwaard 1967-2008.

2008. Public Justice for All: An Annotated Bibliography of the Works of James W. Skillen, 1967-2008 (2nd updated edn)

2008. A Collection of Essays: Concepts, reviews, positive contributions.

1992. Social Theory and the Myth of Religious Neutrality: Introductory Theses for a Christian Sociology. Paper Presented to Author Meets Critics Session : Roy A Clouser The Myth of Religious Neutrality University of Notre Dame Press. Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. November 8th, 1992. Washington D.C.

1991. Book Review: The Myth of Religious Neutrality: An Essay on the Hidden Role of Religious Belief in Theories Roy A. Clouser Notre Dame and London : Notre Dame University Press, 1991.

1989. "And miles to go before I sleep" Naked Wasp (Chisholm Student Union Inc) Vol. 12(6) p. 18.

Albert Weideman

2008. Constitutive and regulative conditions for the assessment of academic literacy.

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