
Friday 22 September 2006

Byron Borger on Pete Steen

This weeks' Comment has a piece by Byron Borger on Pete Steen.

Pete Steen was an itinerant philosopher and Christian worldview activist, a pioneer visionary in the cultural movement Comment serves. Many of the readers of Comment will have heard his name, even though he died nearly twenty-five years ago. It engenders now, as it did when the man was alive, a mixed array of reactions (sometimes within the same person). The tired old saying, "you either love him or hate him," doesn't really do Pete justice. Usually—if you knew him at all—you both loved and hated him. But mostly loved.

For more on Pete Steen see:
Perry Recker 'Peter Steen - A life in our times' Christian Renewal Sept 1984.
Steen Fest documents

Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin's article in Catapult 'Art, faith and Warhol' mentions Pete Steen. She ponders:

When doing my research and reading on Andy Warhol over the past weeks, the thought occasionally occurred to me, "What if Pete Steen would have met Andy Warhol as a student? What if the CCO would have been around when Andy Warhol went to the Carnegie Institute of Technology here in Pittsburgh? What if Pete Steen had discussed the interconnections between religion and art with the future 'pope of pop'?" It's an interesting thought, isn't it? What if they would have met?


  1. Anonymous12:30 am

    You have a very interesting blog.
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    Please know that you are very welcome to register and participate anytime.
    Have a great weekend.
