
Friday 3 February 2006

Eric Kamphof's Vollenhoven thesis now on-line

I have just put up Eric J. Kamphof's ICS thesis on Vollenhoven on-line on the All of Life Redeemed website. It is available as a 183 page pdf here. Eric tells me that the more creative Vollenhovians love it, but the more conservative hate it!

Robert Sweetman writes in the Vollenhoven newsletter:
Eric Kamphof successfully defended his master’s thesis entitled, “The Triunity of Life: On the Unity of the Vollenhovian Project” on 4 October 2004. The thesis represents a very creative interaction with the “English Vollenhoven”. ... The thesis explores whether Vollenhoven’s logic and epistemology might provide a fruitful perspective from which to view the unity of Vollenhoven’s systematic and historical work. But the thesis moves beyond Vollenhoven in taking a number of independent positions on the relationship between normative and structural law, between the law of the Spirit and positive law, and on the nature of the thus-so and the genetic determinations.

1 comment:

  1. Great!

    Hopefully this will be the beginning of publishing most if not all of the accepted ICS theses!

    Why work hard on such projects and then hide them from an interested audience?!
