
Saturday 6 December 2008

Resources for a Christian approach to economics


Andy Hartropp. 1997. "Christianity and Economics: an Annotated Bibliography", Association of Christian Economists December

Bruce C Wearne Cultivating Care within a Vulnerable Economy: an annotated bibliography of the English writings of Bob Goudzwaard 1967-2008
A full bibliography of Christian economist Bob Goudzwaard's English writings - contains links to most of his works.

Books and articles

Henk Aay & Ab Van Langevelde, 2005.
A Dooyeweerd-Based Approach To Regional Economic Development," Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, Royal Dutch Geographical Society KNAG, vol. 96(2), pages 184-198, 04

Cramp, A B. "In what sphere is economics sovereign?" In: Social science in Christian Perspective. Paul A Marshall and Robert E Vandervennen, eds. Lanham: University Press of America, 1988, pp. 199-217.

Cramp, A B. Notes towards a Christian critique of secular economic theory. Toronto: Institute for Christian Studies, 1975. Toronto: Wedge; Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1979.

Kenneth Elzinga. 1981. "A Christian View of Economic Order", Reformed Journal, Vol. 31, pp. 13-16.

Gay, Craig M. 1991. With Liberty and Justice for Whom? The recent evangelical debate over capitalism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.

Bob Goudzwaard and Harry de Lange 1994. Beyond poverty and affluence. Toward an economy of care. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.

Bob Goudzwaard. Capitalism and Progress: A Diagnosis of Western Society.

Bob Goudzwaard.1984. Idols of our Time. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press.

Graham, W Fred, George N Monsma, Carl J Sinke, Alan Storkey, John P Tiemstra. 1986. Reforming Economics: A Christian Perspective on Economic Theory and Practice. Grand Rapids: Calvin College Center for Christian Scholarship.

Graham, W Fred. 1971. The constructive revolutionary: John Calvin and his socio-economic impact. Richmond: John Knox Press.

Adolfo GarcĂ­a de la Sienra. 2008. 'The economic sphere'

Donald A. Hay. 1989. Economics Today: a Christian Critique. Apollos, Leicester.

E. L. Hebden Taylor 1978. Economics, Money, and Banking. Craig Press.

Hoksbergen,  Roland 1992. "A Reformed Approach to Economics: The Kuyperian Tradition" Bulletin of the Association of Christian Economists 20 (Fall): 7-27.

Kuyper, Abraham 1991. The Problem of Poverty. Grand Rapids: Baker.

Langevelde, Ab van, 1997. "Bilingualism and economic development in west European minority language regions: a Dooyeweerdian approach," Research Report
97C39, University of Groningen, Research Institute SOM (Systems, Organisations and Management).

Paul Marshall. 1985. "A Christian view of economics." Crux 21, pp. 1:3-7.

Monsma, George N. 1988. "A Christian critique of neo-classical welfare economics." In: Social science in Christian perspective. Paul A Marshall and Robert E Vandervennen, eds. Lanham: University Press of America, pp. 287-302.

George N. Monsma. 'Christian faith and economic theorising'. In John B. Hulst ed. Christian Worldview and Scholarship. Eltham, Victoria: Amani Educational services.

Alan Storkey 1986. Transforming Economics: a Christian Way to Employment. London: SPCK.

Alan Storkey 1993. Foundational Epistemologies in Consumption Theory. VU University Press: Amsterdam.

D F M Strauss. 1997. Capitalism and Economic Theory in social philosophic perspective. In: Journal for Christian Scholarship, 1st & 2nd Quarter, pp.85-106.

John P. Tiemstra. 1993. "Christianity and Economics: A Review of the Recent Literature." Christian Scholar’s Review 22 (1993) 3:227-247.

John P. Tiemstra 1998. "Why do economists disagree?". Signposts of God's Liberating Kingdom: perspectives for the 21st century. Potchefstroom: Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education. Insitute for Reformational Studies.

B. J. van der Walt. 1991. "Norms, means and ends; a reformational approach to economics". Anatomy of Reformation: Flashes and Fragments of a Reformational Worldview. Ch 21.

B. J. van der Walt. 1999. The tyranny of the neo-capitalist free market economy. Religion and Society: Christian involvement in the public square. Wetenskaplike bydraes van die PU vir CHO. Reeks F3, Versamelwerke ; no. 50. Potchefstroom: PU vir CHO. Ch4.

B. J. van der Walt. 2003. Towards a normative economy. Understanding and Rebuilding Africa: From Desperation Today to Expectation for Tomorrow. Potchefstroom: Institute for Contemporary Christianity in Africa. Ch 18.

B. J. van der Walt. 2004. ‘The Bible on poverty and wealth our task as Christians’. Woord en Daad/ Word and Action 44 (388): 9-12.

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