
Saturday 21 November 2020

A Short Introduction to Abraham Kuyper’s Lectures on Calvinism By Jesse Sumpter

Jesse Sumpter is a Classical school educator based in Moscow, Idaho. In this brief - 48 page - introduction to Kuyper’s Stone Lectures he begins by identifying three of Kuyper’s “key ideas”. These he identifies as the lordship of Jesus; Calvinism as life system; and spheres of authority. 

The remaining chapters in this booklet then follow each of Kuyper’s lectures. Sumpter provides a summary of each one and provides copious quotes from each lecture. 

The book provides an entry-level introduction to the lectures and would be helpful for those who haven’t as yet read Kuyper’s lectures.

Friday 20 November 2020

Fashion Theology - a brief review

 Fashion Theology

Robert Covolo

Waco Texas: Baylor University Press.

ISBN 978-1-4813-1273-8

Hbk, xiv + 200 pp

This book is a wonderful, nuanced discussion of the relationship between fashion and theology. Covolo shows that fashion is not independent of theology. Theologians have not been as silent about fashion, as has often been supposed, and their discussions go beyond accusations of fashion being trivial and being about vanity. Those discussed include Tertullian, Augustine, Aquinas, Calvin, Kuyper and Barth.

In these excavations of theological discourse and 

fashion theory Covolo identifies several interesting interrelations. Fashion theology is much more than fig leaves!